I have many pet peeves- incessant clicking of a pen, idiotic drivers, tapping, and allowing me the pleasure to hear you chew your gum. There is one though that annoys me to no end. That is the people who complain about government and our officials and then don't vote. Why in the- How- ugh! I don't get it. If you don't vote, voice your opinion in the given fashion, why then are you voicing your opinion now! If you don't care enough when it matters- when you can make a difference, STOP CARING AT ALL!! In my opinion, if you don't try to make a difference, shut up about the way things are. Yea, I agree- this government is really starting to suck and these officials aren't helping (especially Obama >:-/ ). The only difference between me and you though- I actually vote! Now, I'm 19. I missed the past election because my birthday was the day after election day, so up until recently I hadn't registered to vote. What I did though is our county elections are coming up so I went to early voting so I could do both- register and vote! I got the voting packets after the actual cut off but called to find out if I still could. So, yes, I have only voted once. I'm hoping though that I can continue to do this duty. Yes, it's a duty. It's a privilege. You want to be able to complain with rights- then vote! If you don't vote, don't complain to me. Chances are I'll smack you upside the head! You don't like the way things are- then make your voice known by voting!

finally got to vote!!!!!!!!!
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